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All five of our bunnies have been rescued. While bunnies have gained immense popularity as pets, the unfortunate consequence is a surge in impulsive adoptions. This often results in overwhelmed owners surrendering their bunnies to shelters. Contrary to the common perception of bunnies as effortless pets, they require indoor care, including litter boxes, toys, treats, and specialized diets, which can incur significant expenses. Additionally, not all bunnies exhibit the stereotype of being cuddly and gentle woodland creatures; some may display aggression issues.

Our bunnies share their space with fascinating roommates—Patagonian Maras from the Cavidae family. These mid-sized rodents, closely related to guinea pigs, add an extra layer of intrigue to our household dynamic. As one might expect, cohabiting bunnies and Patagonian Maras don't always see eye to eye, leading to some amusing and eventful days.

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ORDER: Lagomorpha           
FAMILY: Leporidae               
GENUS: Oryctolagus                  
SPECIES: Cuniculus

The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is a small mammal native to southwestern Europe and northwest Africa. It is known as an invasive species because it has been introduced to countries on all continents with the exception of Antarctica, and has caused many problems within the environment and ecosystems. European rabbits exhibit an interesting mating system; dominant bucks are polygynous, whereas lower-status individuals (both bucks and does) often form monogamous pairs. Rabbits signal their readiness to mate by marking other animals and inanimate objects with an odoriferous substance secreted through a chin gland; this process is known as "chinning". The breeding season usually takes place from January to August. Does give birth to 3-7 kittens after the gestation period of 30 days. Shortly before giving birth, the doe will construct a separate burrow known as a "stop" or "stab", generally in an open field away from the main warren. These breeding burrows are typically a few feet long and are lined with grass and moss as well as fur plucked from the doe's belly. The breeding burrow protects the kittens from adult bucks as well as from predators. Kittens are altricial, being born blind, deaf, and furless, and they are totally dependent upon their mother. The young born to the dominant buck and doe enjoy better nesting and feeding grounds; they tend to grow larger and stronger and become more dominant than kittens born to subordinate rabbits. Does nurse their kittens once a night, for only a few minutes. After suckling is complete, the doe seals the entrance to the stop with soil and vegetation. The kittens grow rapidly and their eyes open 11 days after birth. The ears do not gain the power of motion until 10 days of age and can be erected after 13. At 18 days, the kittens begin to leave the burrow and at 4 weeks they are weaned. Young bucks become reproductively mature at four months of age, while does can begin to breed at three to five months.



Human consumption. Lab testing.

The main threats to European rabbits include habitat loss and fragmentation, and diseases. These animals also suffer from hunting and trapping; they are known as invasive species because they have been introduced to countries on all continents with the exception of Antarctica, and have caused many problems within the environment and ecosystems. For instance, feral European rabbits in Australia have had a devastating impact, due in part to the lack of natural predators there.

Conservation Status

EN - Endangered (European rabbit)

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