We were called by one of the animal shelters in the San Fernando Valley that they had two wolf hybrids in their possession that had been captured because they kept escaping their owner’s yard and were killing feral cats, so they needed to find a sanctuary to take them, or they were going to be euthanized. Ice came to us at approximately 1 year old along with her mother Dani. Ice is a very low content wolf hybrid, meaning she is mostly dog, probably Siberian Husky according to the shelter records, although she is pure white with piercing yellow eyes just like her mother’s. She is very friendly and is very bonded with her mother, together they live with our two youngest male hybrids, Lupin and Rogue, and the girls rule over the boys! All four love going to the big yard and playing for a few hours every day!

ORDER: Carnivora
FAMILY: Canidae
GENUS: Canis
The wolf is the largest species of the wild dog family. A hybrid wolf happens most of the time from human intervention. A wolf and domesticated dog are purposely bred to create a combined version of the two, mostly for the pet trade. The problem is a wolf does not “domesticate” in one breeding and this can often be very detrimental to the pups, especially once they mature. They have an acute sense of smell and hearing. They travel in packs, about 7 to 8 individuals, with one alpha male and one alpha female. They are most active at sunrise and sunset but prefer to move under the cover of darkness. They do not accept strangers into their pack easily. They are apex predators who’s job it is to keep ecosystems in order and working smoothy. If you would like further info on the wolf, you can check out, “How Wolves Change Rivers”, narrated by Dave Attenborough.
Habitat loss and fragmentation. Shot on sight for being considered livestock predators.
Conservation Status
LC - Least Concern